Absolute Paranormal is a well-established and reputable paranormal investigation group headquartered in the heart of Joplin, Missouri. Founded in 2013, this dedicated team of individuals has been passionately delving into the mysterious realms of the supernatural, aiming to shed light on the unexplained and provide answers to those grappling with paranormal experiences.

Led by seasoned paranormal researchers and enthusiasts, Absolute Paranormal is committed to unraveling the enigmas of the unknown. The team combines a wealth of experience, cutting-edge technology, and a meticulous approach to investigations, ensuring a thorough and scientific methodology in their pursuit of understanding the paranormal.

Their extensive investigations cover a diverse array of locations, including historic buildings, private residences, eerie landmarks, and other intriguing sites believed to be haunted or harboring supernatural activity. They meticulously document their findings through audio recordings, video footage, photographs, and other data collection techniques, employing the latest investigative tools to capture even the subtlest of paranormal manifestations.

What sets Absolute Paranormal apart is their dedication to both understanding the supernatural and providing solace to those affected by unexplained phenomena. They approach each investigation with empathy and respect for the individuals seeking answers, offering a compassionate ear and reassurance to those experiencing paranormal disturbances.

Their involvement in the community extends beyond investigations, engaging in educational outreach programs, lectures, and workshops to share knowledge about the paranormal realm. Absolute Paranormal strives to foster understanding and awareness, breaking down misconceptions and fostering a greater appreciation for the mysterious forces that may exist beyond the boundaries of our understanding.

With years of experience and a deep-rooted passion for the unexplained, Absolute Paranormal continues to be a beacon of hope for those seeking answers to the inexplicable, providing comfort and enlightenment in the face of the supernatural.

Old Freeman Hospital - Joplin

Welcome to the mysterious world of Freeman Hospital, an abandoned medical facility nestled in the heart of Joplin, Missouri. This eerie and enigmatic hospital has become the subject of countless tales and rumors, capturing the imagination of paranormal enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike. With its haunted history and ghostly reputation, Freeman Hospital invites us to delve into the supernatural realm that lingers within its decaying walls.

Grand Falls - Joplin

As you embark on your own journey to Grand Falls, immerse yourself in the mysterious aura that surrounds this place. Let the legends and stories guide your exploration, but always remember to approach with respect and reverence. Grand Falls beckons those who dare to embrace the unknown, inviting them into a realm where the veil between the living and the dead is tantalizingly thin.

Peace Church Cemetery - Joplin

Peace Church Cemetery in Joplin, Missouri, stands as a testament to the mysteries and supernatural phenomena that exist beyond the realm of the living. With its haunted history and reports of paranormal activity, the cemetery continues to captivate the imagination of visitors who seek to unravel its secrets. The legends, folklore, investigations, and local beliefs surrounding Peace Church Cemetery contribute to its allure as one of the most haunted spots in the area.

Hornet Spooklight - Joplin

The Hornet Spooklight remains an unsolved mystery that has captivated the imaginations of both locals and visitors for centuries. Despite the numerous theories and investigations, the true nature and origin of the Spooklight continue to elude explanation. Whether it is a natural phenomenon, a paranormal entity, or something else entirely, the Spooklight serves as a reminder that some mysteries defy easy answers. As long as the Spooklight continues to appear, it will continue to intrigue and fascinate those who encounter it.

Crescent Hotel - Eureka SPrings

The Crescent Hotel has a rich history that contributes to its eerie atmosphere. Originally constructed as a luxurious resort, it later served as a college before taking on a more sinister role as a cancer hospital.

The Crescent Hotel, located in the scenic town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, is shrouded in mystery and known for its haunted reputation.This historic hotel, built in 1886, has witnessed a multitude of ghostly encounters and paranormal activity. Let’s delve into the intriguing history and supernatural tales surrounding the Crescent Hotel.

Pythian Castle - Springfield

Pythian Castle’s enigmatic past unfolds as a testament to its haunted reputation. The castle’s intriguing history, coupled with the reported ghost sightings and paranormal encounters, adds to its mystique. Visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the realm of the paranormal through haunted tours and investigations, allowing them to unlock the secrets that lie within the castle’s ancient walls. As the stories of Pythian Castle continue to be shared, the castle remains a place of fascination and intrigue, drawing in those who seek to uncover the truth behind its ghostly inhabitants.

Old Klan Cave - Joplin

Joplin’s Ku Klux Klan Cave stands as a somber reminder of a dark chapter in American history. Its association with the KKK, combined with the legends, ghost stories, and haunted locations that permeate Joplin, makes it an intriguing destination for those with a fascination for the unknown. As you explore Joplin’s hidden past and immerse yourself in its haunted attractions, be prepared for an unforgettable journey into the depths of mystery and the supernatural. 

The Olivia - Joplin

The Olivia Apartment Building in Joplin, Missouri, carries a rich history filled with elegance, mystery, and paranormal tales. Constructed in 1906, it stood as a symbol of luxury and architectural beauty. Over the years, the building has gained a reputation for being haunted, attracting paranormal enthusiasts and curious visitors. Reports of ghost sightings and unexplained phenomena have added to its allure.

Union depot - Joplin

This once bustling hub of commerce and travel now stands as a solemn sentinel of the supernatural, its haunted history etched in the very bricks and timbers that bear witness to a myriad of spectral secrets. Join us as we venture into the shadows of this forsaken relic, where the past and the paranormal intertwine in a spine-tingling dance of the unknown. Prepare to be captivated, unsettled, and perhaps, forever changed by the phantasmal lore that clings to the Joplin Union Depot’s haunted halls.

Ghost Town of Picher OKlahoma

While the future of Picher, Oklahoma remains uncertain, its haunting legacy serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked industrialization and environmental neglect. It stands as a chilling testament to the importance of preserving and protecting our hometowns from the ravages of industry.